
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

etsy shop: leeluandpiggy
listing: whipped
artist: Amy

Amy's paintings are tightly cropped realist studies which echo the early work of James Rosenquist. He was one of the leaders of the Pop Art movement in the 1960s. Amy and Rosenquist share the same slick, almost airbrushed painting style. Both artists also paint their subject matter in a tightly cropped manner focusing on certain details which results in a strong, graphically appealing image.

Rosenquist and Amy differ in that Rosenquist infused many images together on an enormously large scale often resulting in social commentary. Based on Amy's shop items, she prefers to keep the paintings intimate in size while focusing on a singular image. If you like the cherry painting shown above, then be sure to check out her donut paintings. She did a great job of capturing the lustrous glaze.


Anonymous said...

thank you so much for featuring my shop... and for your kind words!
best wishes,
amy weinsoff

Anonymous said...

this is nancy from boca rock n sushi
contact me